Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I received a nice apology from Linda Ellerbee for her curtness in asserting that she was not at Gurumayi's Birthday Intensive in 1992 and she told me how things written on the internet are soon taken to be facts. I just wonder how you find out about yourself on the Net. Did somebody read my WordPress post and tell her? Did she find it herself? How? Did she do a search with her name in it? I'm just not used to anyone taking any notice of anything I write on the Net. Most of it seems to fall into a great dark abyss where it will never be found again except by some genius hackers or something, computer forensics or something.

It's one thing to be written about by established reporters and another to be written about by some unemployed unknown college dropout in the South. I took the post off the scroll at WordPress. I dumped it in the trash. It's just hard to figure that it wasn't Linda except that her name was different. I'm sure it's not issue about individual identity nor do I believe it has anything to do with wanting to remove one's self from association with an organization. I've heard Gurumayi hasn't been seen since 2004 and maybe that's embarrassing. Some assholes have tried embroil the late Baba Muktananda in the Catholic priest scandal and claim that he molested them. A Father Ritter was accused of the same while I was going to back to school in the late 90's. Baba died in 1982 and I never heard any of these accusations until after the turn of this century. I have seen some photos of this fellow George Affif whom it turns out is Jorge Afif, I think, at Facebook at Siddha Yoga pages created by followers of Siddha Yoga. A newsgroup was developed in the 90's called leaving Siddha Yoga to search for truth. There are all kinds of scandalous comments all over the Net but you know, they are not just about Siddha Yoga. I have read comments about the leaders of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Is there no other way to disassociate yourself from a group than to hurl scandalous lies about them in public? Good Lord, you know mainstream media isn't going to cover it. They don't even announce when a spiritual master dies. Adepts like Muktananda and Adidam Samraj don't even get their time on what the right wing is calling left wing biased Public Broadcasting Service. I know, I've watched. Thus, neither are any accusations, like the one against Amrit Desai who used to visit my area and held retreates in the Ocala National Forest. Now the most important thing going on there is the logging. Taxpayers dollars are paying for the roads that let big logging companies cut down the trees in that national forest. Amrit is said to have slept with some of the faculty and staff at Kripalu Yoga. It is said he admits to as much. The thing is Amrit is married and has children or was married. He seemed pretty happy when I visited him in Daytona, Florida in 1977 or 78. Must have been '78, lots of Bikes and Spring Break going on as I recall.
There's never any coverage of yoga events. Prem Rawat spoke to his devotees at Phillips Auditorium on the UF campus a year or two ago. No press. He was only addressing those who have accepted the knowledge but still it should have been an event. If Playboy comes here looking for 18 year olds to be on their Girls Next Door program, it makes my paper, but not Prem Rawat. I wonder how many other important people to me have snuck into Gainesville, made talks or something and got out without my ever knowing over the 40 years I have lived here? But, "that's just the way it is. Some things will never change." Isn't that sad?

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