Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Happy New Year 2020

Well, it is 2020 now. Looks like I posted nothing here in 2019. I forget this blog but maybe others don't. Maybe others read it secretly, learning dirty little secrets about me. Mindful of the title. Thought about today. Some people, especially women as I see it at this time in my life, have an addiction to talking, to gossiping, to chatting incessantly about meaningless stuff. Forgive me, I know that sounds harsh but I've been let down by women who talk in their cars when they have sacred mantras on disk they could play. They could make their cars holy places but they are more tuned to being money making places and I understand the influence society has on that. In fact I see being devoted to the path, to this science of the Self could be like being gay or black or female or Hispanic or any of the other marginal peoples, minorities.
Playing Shri Guru Gita from the Siddha Yoga website today.

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