Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Today, Consider ...

I have to consider that once I thought I would never get my license back, never have auto insurance to get it back, never find any place to put my stuff. I thought I would always be crawling around in the van full of all the stuff from my apartment, skulking around to find a place to park it and sleeping in it, using public rest rooms. I never considered I could go to school. I was suspicious of the online colleges and really preferred a different major. Maybe a job will work the same way. I can't even imagine getting and by getting I mean being given a job. I'm pretty much out of money now. I have $14 left in my account and no cash, no food stamps (just $66 this month). I've been lucky with folks given me small jobs like moving furniture or sitting their apartment while they were gone. It would be good if something like that showed up now. Today, I have to go out to WalMart to get and submit prescriptions. I have a free all-day bus pass. I take the 6 to Rosa Parks and then the 11a to WalMart. Usually I am done by night and take the 15 from Rosa Parks home.

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