Monday, April 2, 2012

Today's Post to Truth of the Present Moment Blogspot

The code words to prove you are not robot. The first spells the name of an elderly woman we were fond of in our meditation center, Analise. I learned she passed away a few weeks ago. That's when I learned it. She was out in Seattle then. She was a dear woman.
I have a case worker who is a very young woman, to me, anyway, 32 years old. I feel bias from her. The lazy hippie bias, the old man bias. She hits me with some real right wing stuff sometimes. I was wearing a Kerry for President hat, a knit hat I had that was good for the cold weather of the time. I had to hear about Iraq and voting straight Democrat. Don't do that. Give the GOP a chance. Be an Independant. That's what she was. She's an authority, too. She's my Case Worker. I hardly know her full authority. I think she can kick me out of the shelter, which I keep wanting to call fallout rather than homeless. Something subconscious. It's a subtle thing.
When you speak of these 2 people, man and woman in the lessons, it has always been like they were a couple or a relationship, not just any 2 people. Now I am going toward any 2. Certainly I can go on for half an hour about what my case worker says and of course the things she wants me to do. She wants me to get a job. As if they were out there and it was just a matter of lifting them up and putting them on your back. I feel like such a lazy old donkey not getting out there and getting them.
I am reading this book of Michael Moore's and he turns my mind toward not accepting this as the way things should be. His book, Here Comes Trouble, reading it, is, I guess an act of laziness because I could be out there pounding the pavement, as they say. I have applied online for decades with no luck. I have gone into stores and gotten applications, too, but it is not the majority of my search. Now, I am without a ride, bus vouchers are available if you want to ask for them, which I don't, but, I have been asked to appear in person and given a form to fill out of the people whom I have asked for work. I am to submit this form to her for her to check. Ain't that cool?
I see her again on Thursday. She's just about 5 feet tall, if that. So, very smart. I suspect her of having an advanced degree, like an M.A. or something. I haven't asked and I suppose it is none of my business. Why does a client ask a thing like that, right? I don't think clioent is what we are called now though. That was in the 80's. I was called a client at the Alachua County Mental Health Clinic where I had some problems with delusions of grandeur and paranoid schizophrenia. Believe it or Not. I even got SSI for that for a year before I couldn't even believe myself I was that nuts.

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